
Testing Only—Don’t Linger

A Blogging We Will Go

So, I decided to try to play in the wild new world of blogs. In true “do it yourself” fashion, I created my own little method of creating blog files. Sure, it doesn’t look any different, but it should make it easier for me to add stuff.

Okay, so I have the story files working. I’ve added the concept of categories. Very nice. I can add an RSS feed (to categories as well). Pretty cool. Now, I just need to figure out how to add the ability for others to add comments. I think I know how to add that feature, but it will take a bit more coding then I want to spend tonight.

What, another change!

Well, yes. Another change! Okay, one that is for the better. I updated the slide show to use JavaScript to rotate the images. It is less annoying and doesn't mess with your history.

The other change is the addition of a calander. Yes, a completely useless update. Sort of. I actually have a plan for it on another site. But I decided to experiment with it on my site. It is actually a modified version of an old calander script I used to have on another site. For this version, I dropped the holiday images and made it smaller to fit better in the side bar.

Design Update and Slide Show

Although the display isn't much different, the code behind my site has changed a bit. I've converted the site layout to CSS, no more <table> layouts. It takes a bit more work to get CSS to look right, but I think it is worth it. Most of the other changes are in the back end so that I can now start working on other site content.

One new addition is the slide show image to the right. It will refresh every 60 seconds with a different image from my Lego Ray Tracing gallery. I'm still testing it a bit and haven't decided if I like the way I'm doing it.